Make Disciples: Fasting

Speaker - Dustin Aguilar

To express sorrow: 1 Sam. 31:13, 2 Sam. 1:12
To ask for mercy: Joel 2:12, 1 Sam. 7:6, Dan. 9:3, Jonah 3:5-9
To ask God to intervene: 1 Chron. 20:3. Ezra 8:21-23, Esther 4:16, Nehemiah 1 and 2
To subjugate the flesh: Matt. 4:1-2, Galatians 5:16-26

What to Believe: 

Biblical fasting is abstaining from food and sometimes water for spiritual purposes: expressing sorrow, seeking intervention from God and subjugating your flesh to the Spirit. 

Typical fasting doesn’t require God’s power. It was a common practice in the ancient world. 

How to Obey:
Respond in favor of God’s call to fast.

While fasting, continually open yourself up to the Lord, seek the Lord and put your request/situation before him. Listen.

Reasons to Fast:

  1. To express sorrow

  2. To ask for mercy

  3. To ask God to intervene

  4. To subjugate the flesh to the Spirit

Fasting can cause you to experience deep emotion and sorrow as you pray for others.

Practical Steps for Fasting::

  1. Understand the theology of fasting–Don’t do to impress others, or to avoid disappointing others. Matt. 6

  2. Understand the physical side of fasting. For almost everyone, fasting is not  dangerous for a few days. Do some research on the health benefits of fasting. The first 24 hours of a fast are the hardest, as your metabolism shifts from burning carbs and sugars to burning fat stored in your body.

  3. Set the reason for the Fast. Think about your reasons in advance. For example to obtain breakthrough, to get answers, revival, your children, lost people, etc.

  4. Set the terms of the fast–Ex. 1 meal, sundown to sunup, 1 day, 3 days, 7 days, 21 days, 40 days, etc. OR No food,  only meat, protein shakes only, etc., ‘Daniel fast’--restricting certain foods (Fruit/vegetables only). Some do black Coffee, electrolytes. 

  5. Just fast! Remind yourself that “Food is not coming to rescue me”, This is a way to learn to crucify the flesh. Galatians 5:22-24


Matt 6:16-18

How to Walk Intimately with God:

Fast in secret first. 

When you want food, seek God (and seek to want God) more.


Make Disciples: Intimacy with God through the Spiritual Gifts


Make Disciples: The Spirit and Wisdom