Local Ministries
Kingdom Generosity
We believe that Scripture teachings Christians to engage our neighbors and the nations with a heart of generosity.
We believe that Scripture teaches us several keys about how Kingdom Generosity looks. It is:
Regular - because God deserves the first and best of all that comes in.
Proportional - because giving is generosity driven, not wealth driven.
Cheerful - because God loves a cheerful giver.
Sacrificial - because Jesus sacrificed Himself for us.
We also believe that the Lord established His Church as the main outpouring of teaching and ministry across the globe. In response to the vast and specific needs of people across the globe, ministries have popped up to help support the mission of the church to reach all kinds of people and all kinds of needs.
Wellspring partners with all of the following ministries because they do just that…they help the Church reach a specific people group and a specific kind of need.
We LOVE and NEED our Ministry Partners.
While we believe that all Christians are called to give first to their local church, we want to sound the alarm for these amazing ministries as well…so that you can seek the Lord to see if and how you might give to one or several of these ministries on top of your Wellspring giving.
Below, you can see a brief summary of all of our Ministry Partners and a link to GIVE. Each of these links will take you to Wellspring’s Giving Page.
Once you get to the giving page, select the ministry you want to give to from the drop down. Finish the giving process…and your funds are heading straight to the ministry of your choice.
Wellspring gives 100% of your designated gift to the ministry partner you choose. If you give $100 to Mission Barnabas…$100 goes straight to Mission Barnabas…Wellspring doesn’t take a dime of it!
Additionally, it is important for you to know that Wellspring “Tithes” to Missions & Benevolence each year.
We set aside 10%+ of what comes in for Missions and Benevolence needs.
Community Enrichment Center
Local organization that helps individuals and families get on their feet.
For more information & to learn how to give, click the link below
I Can Still Shine
ICSS hosts events and provides support for women coming out of abusive relationships.
For more information & to learn how to give, click the link below.
Kairos Prison Ministry
Kairos sends teams of Christians into prisons in the USA and around the globe to share the love, power, and truth of Christ to inmates.
For more information & to learn how to give, click the link below
Mid Cities Women's Clinic
MCWC serves mothers that are trying to figure out what to do with their unplanned pregnancy.
For more information & to learn how to give, click the link below.
Widows & Orphans Network
W.O.N. serves single families and widows and their children. For more information & to learn how to give, click on the link below.

Non-Local Ministries
Convergence Church OKC
Reaching the people of OKC through a House Church driven local body of believers focused on equipping believers through Word & Spirit teaching.
Mission Barnabas - KENYA
Training and equipping leaders and pastors in Eastern Africa
To give, select Mission Barnabas in the drop down
Nation 2 Nation
Launching Bible training institutes across the globe
To give, select Nation 2 Nation in the drop down
Reclamation Church
Denver based church reaching a post-church city with Word & Spirit teaching.