Making Disciples
Who Hear God’s Voice
means teaching people
What We Believe,
How to Obey, &
How to Walk Intimately with God.
We believe that everyone should become a disciple of Jesus, and we believe all disciples can hear God’s voice.
What We Believe. The Scriptures teach many essential things about God, man, and creation. Anyone who wants to follow Him correctly needs to know what the Bible teaches.
How to Obey. There’s a difference between teaching someone they SHOULD obey and showing someone HOW TO obey. When we show someone how to obey, we are saying, “follow me as I follow Christ.”
How to Walk Intimately with God. Before sin entered the world, God walked with man in the Garden. In the end of all things, God will dwell with his people in eternity. Isaiah calls Jesus "Immanuel,” which means “God with us.” God’s desire is to be with his people, and the treasure of the Christian life is that we can be in Him and Him in us.
Discipleship through
Discipleship is not a solo journey.
God designed discipleship to be done inside of the community of believers - specifically inside the Local Church.
Because of this, Wellspring goes to great lengths to help you BELONG at Wellspring.
Discipleship through Belonging looks like CONNECTING & SERVING here at Wellspring.
We Connect with one another primarily through Small Groups, but also during our Sunday Gathering and our Wellspring Events.
We Serve with one another through Serve Teams, Ministry Teams, and Missions Ministry.
Where does Discipleship happen?
Discipleship happens in the Large Group Gathering. That’s the Sunday morning church service. Believers gather to worship God together and to be taught “what we believe” as Christians.
Discipleship happens in the Small Group Gatherings. The small group is the best place to get to know people and to be known; to walk out discipleship in community. In small groups believers can use their gifts for the building up of the church, and believers can hear from one another how they have learned to obey the commands of Jesus.
Discipleship happens in Close Friendships. One-on-one relationships are the best way to go deep with another person. This is where mentorship relationships come in. These intimate relationships are best developed organically from the seedbed of Small Groups.
Discipleship through the
Core Values
Wellspring prioritizes these values as tools to encourage and support our vision of Making Disciples who Hear God’s Voice.