We are Called to GO
Make Disciples of all nations…Matthew 28:19

Local Mission Serving Opportunities
To the Neighborhood
1st Saturday of Every Month
Keller, TX
RANCH DAYS - Widows & Orphans Network
Every 1st Saturday, Widows & Orphans Network hosts an outreach for widows and single parent families. It’s a fun filled day with all sorts of activities and services including a FREE garage sale, FREE haircuts, fishing, face painting, and much more. It’s also a chance to pray over, minister to, and share the Gospel with widows and single parent families in need.
Thrift Store - C.E.C.
The C.E.C. offers a Thrift Store for the community as a way to raise funds for the ministry. They need volunteers to help run the store in an ongoing manner.
Every Kairos weekend needs volunteers in the background helping the weekend be successful.
Specifically, they need:
1. PRAY - Fill out a prayer chain link
2. Bake cookies - We need about 450 DOZEN cookies each weekend. 3. Make AGAPE - Wall posters and table place mats.
4. Donations - Sponsor one meal, a participant for the weekend, etc.
First of May 2025
Kairos Weekend
Food Pantry
The C.E.C. has a pantry that offers food and supplies to folks in need.
They have 2 shifts daily that need volunteers & one evening shift from 5 to 7:30 pm that needs volunteers.
ICSS Monthly Events
I Can Still Shine hosts monthly events to bless and minister to women in need. They always need volunteers to help put on the event & help host and minister to the ladies & their children.
ICSS Gift Organizing
I Can Still Shine receives donations of all kinds for women and children in need. Receiving and organizing these items for proper use requires a strong volunteer base. Volunteers are always needed!

To the Nations
Mission Trips
March 2025
Wellspring is taking a team of Wellspringers to Kenya in March of 2025.
While the trip is already closed for registration, we need your prayers!