Make Disciples: The Spirit and Wisdom
Speaker - Dustin Aguilar
1 Corinthians 2,
Rom 15:18-19, Acts 4:?, Acts 1:8,
Isa 64:4, Acts 5:32, Ps 145:3,Isa 40:28, Job 36:26,
What to Believe:
Do you have to check your wisdom at the door to be spiritual? No.
To be truly spiritual, you have to be wise.
If you want to be wise, you have to be spiritual.
Who is the Holy Spirit and what does He want to do?
He wants to give power to his people to proclaim the Name of Jesus
*The Holy Spirit empowers his people to proclaim the name of Jesus
Wisdom and spirituality is only at odds with each other if someone is immature.
The secret and hidden wisdom of God, for our glory, that God would come and live inside each one of us.
*True wisdom is the upside down kingdom of God which the heart of man could not imagine.
*The Holy Spirit is the witness, and He wants to testify to the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus, which makes us His children.
The Spirit searches everything, even the depths of God.
*The Holy Spirit is God and He wants to share the heart of God with us.
What does it mean to be spiritual?
*Being spiritual means you have the Holy Spirit in you, and you’re listening to Him.
It’s not external. It’s do you listen to the Spirit inside you?
*The Holy Spirit is God , and He wants to give us the mind of Christ.
We are given the mind of Christ as we walk intimately with the Lord day after day.
Say: I will walk with you God.
Ask God what is my next step with my intimate relationship with you?