Make Disciples: Intimacy with God through the Spiritual Gifts
Nathan Miller
1 Corinthians 12:8-10, Romans 12:6-8, 1 Peter 4, Ephesians 4, 2 Corinthians 4:7, 1 Corinthians 3:16, Matthew 7, Acts 2, Hebrews 10, Philippians 4:6
What to Believe:
There is diversity in the spiritual gifts; some people differ in the gifts they carry spiritually, but there is unity in these gifts. Since the lists of gifts in the Scriptures vary, none of the lists appear to be exhaustive.
The gifts are always by God's power working through us. These are not our gifts as though they come from us, but instead, they are gifts that God's spirit uses to bless the world or express His love through us. No one can boast about their gifts as it's all God’s power.
Spiritual gifts are a reminder that God is with us. We could never divorce God's gifts from His presence among us.
No spiritual gift is separate from His love or power.
Every gift is meant to be used in unity. They are complimentary. They work together.
If we use our gifts rightly, they will always remind us of the gospel
Spiritual gifts are not our personality traits or traits already within us that are activated by God. God is in charge, and He decides what your gifts are, and He gives them to you.
The spiritual gifts are God expressing Himself through us. His spirit is displayed through His people, whom He has redeemed so that He may be glorified.
How to Obey:
Seek first the kingdom of heaven and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you (Matthew 6:33). Seeking God first will allow everything to fall in line as God intended.
Approach God humbly and ask for His revelation about the gifts if you don’t already know yours. Allow the Lord to lead you to an answer, and do not take on a mentality that one gift is above another. All the gifts are important and from God and overflow from God’s power that points to him.
We can ask for the gifts we would like, but before anything, make our first impulse gratitude. Say “thank you” while you’re asking. Approach God with thanksgiving and gratitude as though you have already received from His hand. Ask for the gift you want, but recognize it is God’s prerogative to choose what gift he gives you.
How to Walk Intimately with God:
The use of spiritual gifts is meant to minister to God and those He wishes to bless. Surrender to the freedom of blessing God for God's sake and not for our sake.
God's strength is made perfect in weakness. God gives generously. Surrender your weakness to Him; depend upon Him. He will meet you in that place.
Ask Him, “How do you want to express Yourself today/this week?” Or, “What do You want to say, Lord?” Give Him room to move through you