Mercy Over Sacrifice Gospel of the Kingdom
Speaker - Dustin Aguilar
Matthew 9:9, Luke 5:27-28, Luke 5 :31-32, Matthew 9:12-13, Hosea 6:4-6
What to Believe:
Jesus reveals that the heart of the Father is for mercy
God has always wanted our hearts, even during the Old Testament system.
God wants to be near you, and he wants you to be near him.
Jesus Loved people and was kind but was honest to them and told them the truth of their illness
Calling a person to repent is loving ( make sure not to imbue hate, anger, or name calling). One side has people calling people out in anger and the other side has people not calling anyone out.
Some people know they are sick and flock to the physicians while others feel fine and slowly die
How to Obey:
Call someone to repent from a sober heart.
Love the Lord in all you do, that's what he wants.
How to Walk Intimately with God:
Read the Bible looking for the love of Jesus.
Pray: Heavenly Father, teach me to believe you love me.
Pray: God, I love you with my mind. Teach me to love you with my heart.