Mercy Over Sacrifice Gospel of the Kingdom

Speaker - Dustin Aguilar


Matthew 9:9, Luke 5:27-28, Luke 5 :31-32, Matthew 9:12-13, Hosea 6:4-6

What to Believe: 

  • Jesus reveals that the heart of the Father is for mercy

  • God has always wanted our hearts, even during the Old Testament system. 

  • God wants to be near you, and he wants you to be near him. 

  • Jesus Loved people and was kind but was honest to them and told them the truth of their illness 

  • Calling a person to repent is loving ( make sure not to imbue hate, anger, or name calling). One side has people calling people out in anger and the other side has people not calling anyone out.

  • Some people know they are sick and flock to the physicians while others feel fine and slowly die 

How to Obey:

  • Call someone to repent from a sober heart.

  • Love the Lord in all you do, that's what he wants. 

How to Walk Intimately with God:

  •  Read the Bible looking for the love of Jesus. 

  •  Pray: Heavenly Father, teach me to believe you love me. 

  •  Pray: God, I love you with my mind. Teach me to love you with my heart. 


Gospel of the Kingdom: New Wineskins


Gospel of the Kingdom: Jesus Heals a Paralytic