Gospel of the Kingdom: Jesus Heals a Paralytic

Gospel of the Kingdom: Jesus Heals a Paralytic


Matt 9:1-8, Matt 7:26-29, Mark 2:1-5, Fsm/7:13-14, Matt. 26:63-64

What to Believe: 

  • Jesus healed the paralytic so that Israel would know “that they may know” that He had the authority to forgive sins.

  • The audience marveled at Jesus, not because of the miracle, but because of His claim that He had the authority to forgive sins.

  • At the time of Jesus, having faith was evidenced by one’s efforts to get physically close to Jesus (touching the hem of his garment, lowering the paralytic through the roof of the house Jesus was in, etc.)

  • Today having faith is not trying to believe something very strongly, as many people believe, but by tenaciously, vigorously, zealously abiding in God’s Word and in zealously pursuing community in the Church (the Body of Christ).

  • When Jesus called the Pharisees evil in Matthew 9, it was because Jesus had already been doing works attributable only to God and the Pharisees had not recognized Him.

  • When Jesus calls himself the Son of Man, He is making it clear that He is the fulfillment of the prophecy in Daniel 7.

How to Obey and Walk Intimately with God:

  • Do whatever it takes to pursue closeness with Jesus, especially by abiding in the Scripture and staying in communion with the Church.

  • Don’t focus on miracles and spiritual gifts so much. Instead, focus on becoming aware of and comprehending the weight of our sins and the enormous blessing of God’s forgiveness of those sins. Sin is not small.  Focus on genuine repentance. Pray for a new degree of awe of the forgiveness of sins.

  • Pray for real revival which begins with conviction of sin within the church. Ask God to reveal to you what you have been tolerating and excusing instead of repenting of.

  • When conviction comes, run to God, not away from Him. Blessed is the man whose sin is forgiven.

  • `Stop waiting for God to do what we want. Become an “Even if” believer, not and “Only if” Christian. 


Make Disciples: The Spirit and the Church