Gospel of the Kingdom: Ask, Seek, Knock
Speaker - Jammie Ariail
Mark 9:30-37; Matthew 7:7-8; Hebrews 4:16; Matt. 18:3
What to Believe:
Jesus draws near to us. He yearns for us to draw to Him. He wants to teach/show us all things. In Mark 9:30-32, The disciples did not understand when Jesus foretold his death, even though they had been with Jesus for 3 years. They still anticipated that Jesus would rule in an earthly kingdom. Verse 32 says that they were afraid to ask him. The fear of asking Jesus drove them away from Him.
Verses 33-34 Jesus asks the disciples what they were discussing. They had been discussing which of them was the greatest. Instead of responding to Jesus, they kept silent.
Verse 35 says that anyone who wants to be first, must be last and servant of all.
Verses 36-37 Jesus takes a child and says anyone who receives a child in Jesus’ name, receives Him. Children want to approach Him and spend time with him. Jesus wants us to come to him and jump into His arms.
What does it mean to be like a child? When you come to Jesus as a child , we come in a way that says I need you. I want to spend time with you. .
How to Obey:
Ask Him- stay connected to believers.
Seek to draw near to Him daily through word, prayer, and community.
Knock by continuing to Ask and Seek
How to Walk Intimately with God:
Learn to come to Jesus as a child- In humility and with confidence.
Learn to serve Him and others
Learn to live in His embrace.