February | Widows & Orphans Network

Welcome to the first Missions Update for the Widows & Orphans Network!

Each update, we will give you information on how to KNOW | PRAY | GIVE | GO for WO Network for the month.

Here’s what you need to KNOW | PRAY | GIVE | GO:


  • Since November, we distributed 75 complete Thanksgiving dinners to families in need at Haven Ranch

  • We distributed several thousand dollars in Walmart gift cards for Christmas dinners

  • We provided Christmas gifts to 53 single parents for their 134 children

  • We hosted over 1,000 single parents and kids at Ranch Day events in November, December, and January. These families continue to experience discipleship and love in every encounter at Haven Ranch. As always, Wellspring members represented a large portion of volunteers and donors that helped make all of this happen!

  • My Father’s Work/Widows and Orphans Network also supports missionaries around the world who serve single parents, widows and orphans as well. We ask that Wellspring members help us spread the word about all that we do, and helping us do God’s work anywhere possible! Check out the web site: MyFathersWork.org for more details. If you have any questions, please contact Marty Griffith at 210-872-8182 or martin.griffith@gmail.com .


  • Pray that God fills our hearts and spirits with a renewed desire to serve Him with all that we are.

  • Pray for our volunteers and all of the single parents we serve; to be blessed with strength, courage, and health in the coming months, and a quick recovery for Chuck's heart surgery on January 16th.


  • Sponsor 1 [or part] of a Ranch Day - Each month, our minimum cost to feed everyone at Ranch Day and related expenses is at least $1,500. We are 100% funded by donations and gifts from individuals and church partners. Every dollar we collect goes directly to serving our community and we pledge to steward the resources you share with us to honor God and bless others in His name.


  • The very best Ranch Days we can remember are days when Wellspring shows up and makes it a church event! GO to Ranch Day on February 1st, or on any first Saturday of the month. GO join fellow Wellspringers as we show love to children who may only experience God’s love this one day each month, and encourage each other to serve generously.

  • We ALWAYS need help on the Thursday and Friday prior to Ranch Day!!


February | Reclamation Church


February | Latin America