February | Latin America
Welcome to the first Missions Update for our Latin American Mission!
Each update, we will give you information on how to KNOW | PRAY | GIVE | GO for our Latin American Mission for the month.
Here’s what you need to KNOW | PRAY | GIVE | GO:
First of all, let me tell you Wellspringers, that you are a tremendous blessing to the church in Latin America, people in Latin America, and me and my family.
This month in Latin America we held a Disciple Making Movement training for 100 pastors in the capital.
We also held three graduations of our “Bible Institute for leaders of the Movement”, graduating 196 leaders.
Looking ahead to the year 2025, we are aiming to start 5,000 new groups this year and reaching all 20,000 small group Bible study groups.
We have opened three more soup kitchens for vulnerable children, reaching 240 children each week, twice a week.
We thank God for, and are grateful to Wellspring for your support. This month we were able to buy property for 5,000 USD, where we will continue to develop agriculture and animal ranch. Having this property, we were able to purchase 21 sheep, in the process of buying 3 cows and are installing an irrigation system for the farm.
We ask for prayer for a very large baptism that will take place on February 1st throughout our country. It will be a national baptism. We hope to baptize more than 10,000 disciples this day.
We also ask for prayer for more Bibles for our country. There is a great hunger and need for Bibles in our country. With many new Disciples throughout our country, we do not have enough Bibles.
People owning cars is extremely rare because of the cost. Most of the transportation in our country is walking. We are praying that God will open all the doors and provide all the resources for Wellspring’s efforts to bring 100 bicycles to aid the Church Planning Leaders in our country. This will allow for Church Planning Leaders in our country to be a great deal more efficient in their ministering.
We also need funds to print more manuals to train Leaders of the Movement throughout our country.
*You can give to these needs by writing a check and either mailing to Wellspring or dropping in the offering bin during a Sunday service.
Be on the lookout for an announcement about a trip to our Latin American Mission soon!