February | Nation to Nation

Welcome to the first Missions Update for Nation to Nation!

Each update, we will give you information on how to KNOW | PRAY | GIVE | GO for N2N for the month.

Here’s what you need to KNOW | PRAY | GIVE | GO:


  • This Month Nation 2 Nation is Starting their Master’s Degree program in the United States which is a Huge milestone.

  • N2N is planning four trips to start schools in Africa, India and China as well as working towards launching in Spanish in the U.S. in September.


  • The 800 facilitators running our schools for pastors in Africa, Latin America, U.S.

  • The preparations to launch in India (in Hindi) and in China (Mandarin) and for God to protect the nationals translating our curriculum in these countries.

  • The finances needed for starting and running new schools and for language translation.


  • Sponsoring a set of equipment to start a school - $250 for a project, speaker, and a flash drive with the first year of the school on it

  • Sponsoring a pastor’s training school for $40 a month (this trains 20 pastors and leaders over a period of two or four years)

  • Towards the $75,000 goal which needs to be met by June to train 500 pastors to start schools in ten countries in Africa.

    If you want to give to Nation to Nation, go to our Give page - HERE - and select “Nation to Nation”.


  • Volunteer to pray one hour a week with others on Zoom (or privately).


February | Convergence